full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Cameron Herold: Let's raise kids to be entrepreneurs

Unscramble the Blue Letters

I would be willing to bet I'm the dsumbet guy in the room, because I couldn't get through school; I struggled with school. But I knew at a very early age that I loved money, I leovd business and I loved this entrepreneurial thing. I was raised to be an eureeennrptr. What I've been really passionate about ever since — and I've never soepkn about this ever, until now — so this is the first time anyone's herad it, except my wife, three days ago. She said, "What are you talking about?" I told her that I think we miss an opportunity to find these kids who have the entrepreneurial traits, and to goorm them or show them that being an entrepreneur is actually a cool thing. It's not something that is a bad thing and is vilified, which is what happens in a lot of society.

Open Cloze

I would be willing to bet I'm the _______ guy in the room, because I couldn't get through school; I struggled with school. But I knew at a very early age that I loved money, I _____ business and I loved this entrepreneurial thing. I was raised to be an ____________. What I've been really passionate about ever since — and I've never ______ about this ever, until now — so this is the first time anyone's _____ it, except my wife, three days ago. She said, "What are you talking about?" I told her that I think we miss an opportunity to find these kids who have the entrepreneurial traits, and to _____ them or show them that being an entrepreneur is actually a cool thing. It's not something that is a bad thing and is vilified, which is what happens in a lot of society.


  1. spoken
  2. loved
  3. groom
  4. heard
  5. entrepreneur
  6. dumbest

Original Text

I would be willing to bet I'm the dumbest guy in the room, because I couldn't get through school; I struggled with school. But I knew at a very early age that I loved money, I loved business and I loved this entrepreneurial thing. I was raised to be an entrepreneur. What I've been really passionate about ever since — and I've never spoken about this ever, until now — so this is the first time anyone's heard it, except my wife, three days ago. She said, "What are you talking about?" I told her that I think we miss an opportunity to find these kids who have the entrepreneurial traits, and to groom them or show them that being an entrepreneur is actually a cool thing. It's not something that is a bad thing and is vilified, which is what happens in a lot of society.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
young age 5
teach kids 4
entrepreneurial traits 3
attention deficit 3
bipolar disorder 3
golf balls 3
gas stations 3
early age 2
school system 2
mba programs 2
percent average 2
deficit disorder 2
license plate 2
protectors door 2
rich kids 2
recurring revenue 2
sold lots 2
regular paycheck 2
toy account 2
bad customer 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
attention deficit disorder 2

Important Words

  1. age
  2. bad
  3. bet
  4. business
  5. cool
  6. days
  7. dumbest
  8. early
  9. entrepreneur
  10. entrepreneurial
  11. find
  12. groom
  13. guy
  14. heard
  15. kids
  16. knew
  17. lot
  18. loved
  19. money
  20. opportunity
  21. passionate
  22. raised
  23. room
  24. school
  25. show
  26. society
  27. spoken
  28. struggled
  29. talking
  30. time
  31. told
  32. traits
  33. vilified
  34. wife